Dickson Chasambira
Dickson Chasambira is the Director of Central Internal Audit Unit under Ministry of Finance. He possesses Master Degree in audit management and Consultancy and Bachelor degree in Accounting. He also possesses a certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and ACCA certification.
He has over 10 years of internal auditing experience at managerial positions in the public service. Major achievements include leading the establishment of the Financial Inspectorate Function in Government, drafting the internal audit policy and developed and reviewed a number of Government's Internal Audit policies and frameworks including, Internal Audit Manual (2011), Audit Committee Charter (2014), Financial Inspectorate manual (2016) and Strategic Plan (2016-2021).
He is currently serving as the President of the Institute of Internal Auditors- Malawi where he also served as the Vice President, General Secretary and member of its 2 sub-committees responsible for Continuing Professional Education, and Membership and Publicity between 2014 and 2017.
Watch Austin Chataika
Watch Austin Chataika is the Senior Deputy Director of Central Internal Audit Unit. He possesses Master Degree in audit management and Consultancy and Bachelor degree in Accounting. He is also a certified risk analyst.
He has over 22 years of work experience in public sector and has worked in over 7 institutions. Major achievements includes successfully implementing risk based internal auditing approach in the Ministry of Health and managing complex internal audits.
Austin T Kumwenda

Austin Tabangoni Kumwenda is the Deputy Director of Internal Audit at the Ministry of Finance. He possesses Master Degree in audit management and Consultancy and Bachelor degree in Accounting. He has over 15 years work experience of which 3 years was in public sector external auditing and the rest in internal auditing at managerial level. Under internal auditing, he has worked in various sectors such as economic, health and education.
Major achievements include setting up the drug theft investigations unit under the internal audit function in the Ministry of Health and developed protocols and tools for helping local accountability clubs, ward councilors, area village development, village development committee in tracking and monitoring the management of health commodities in public health facilities.