Mr Dickson Chasambira | Director August 2018 to date

Mr. Dickson Chasambira is the serving Director after the retirement of Mr. G.B. Msanyama in March, 2016.
Mr Glynx B. Msanyama | Director 2014-2016

Mr. Glyx Msanyama succeeded Mr. Makiwa who was appointed Accountant General in November 2013. Mr. Msanyama brought a number of reforms which included reorganizing audit committees to have independent members, rolling out risk based internal auditing approach and drafting the internal audit bill.
Mr Thomas KB Makiwa | Director 2011 - 2013

Mr. Thomas Makiwa was appointed substantive director in 2011 and continued with the reforms that were initiated by late Pangani including the filling of most the vacant top positions.
Late Mr Gerald Pangani | Acting Director 2008- 2011

The late Mr. Gerald Pangani became acting Director after deployment of Mr. Y. Hassan to a line ministry. He oversaw a number of reforms that included development of policies and frameworks such as audit charter, audit manual and the first strategic plan. He also facilitated the functional review of the service between 2008 and 2011.
Mr Hassan | Director 2003- 2008

Mr. Yusuf Hassan was the pioneer of the Internal Audit Service in Government who established its initial structure and resourced it including recruitment and training of staff.