
What we have been since we started

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) was established by the Malawi Government in July 2003 to improve accountability in the use of public resources, reduce potential risks of corruption and financial mismanagement. It consists of the Central Internal Audit Unit (CIAU) which is under the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development (MoEFD) and Internal Audit Units (IAUs) in Ministries. The CIAU coordinates, supervises and directs all Internal Audit activities in Central Government and ensures that Internal Audit adds value to the overall management of public resources.

Through the years

We have perfected ourselves

Before 2003

Prior to the establishment of CIAU in July 2003, internal audit functions were being performed by accounting personnel under the Accountant General Department who later became part of Internal Audit Service. The audit work not systematic and mostly involved pre-auditing of financial transactions. The audit staff were not professionally qualified in internal auditing and Internal Auditing Standards were not applied.